Meet the Dagit Girls

#Gadding Maj

Gadding Maj

Name: Mary Jane Arbolado

Nickname: Maja



Hi! I’m Maja. Wondering why it’s not MJ? I’ve wondered about that too. Hahaha! People used to call me Jane but when I entered college, my first news editor in our university’s weekly publication coined up my nickname Maja by combining the first syllables of my name. I’ve been bringing that nickname till now.

I laugh out loud a lot. I mean A LOT. Simple things make me guffaw. Don’t get offended! I mean no harm. I’m just one simple happy soul who’s addicted to Korean dramas and TV shows. You may put it as a 5-year old kid trapped in a woman’s body. HAHAHA! I’m childish. Bow.

The best word to describe me is “globetrotter”. I’M A GLOBETROTTER, which is obvious in my personal blog choice. My being a wanderer is also the reason why I wanted to come up with this Dagit Dumaguete site. I’ve been to a lot of places all over the country and have witnessed the different lifestyle each place can offer you. It’s always been part of my plan to put up something that promotes the city I grew up in, my beloved hometown, Dumaguete City. If I can travel to different places in the country, why can’t I promote my own place and make other people come, visit, and experience the wonderful things Dumaguete City can offer them?

So when I met my other three co-admins here in Dagit Dumaguete and found out their desire to put up a blog with the same interests as mine, we decided to just join forces and come up with something that can “dagit” more people to Dumaguete.

Let’s all go a long way together! Personally and Dagit Dumaguete as a whole are expecting a strong support from all the Dumagueteños to make our blog site a fun, informative, and interactive one in the coming days.

Stay connected!

#Clumsy MomC

Clumsy MomC

Name: Clarisse Kay Masa-Sy

Nickname: Clay



Shortly after marrying the love of my life, I became a mom to an amazing little boy who, to my eternal delight, appears to take after his equally amazing daddy. Yes, they both snore and I’m painfully aware I might not find this as cute and adorable as I get older but I’ll cross the bridge when I get there. His birth led me to the wonderful and crazy world of breastfeeding, cloth diapering (addictive) and babywearing. When I’m not busy being mommy or obsessing about icky germs and dirt and accidents waiting to happen (yes, I am mildly OC), I stalk my favorite online groups/WAHMs for beautiful cloth diapers and ogle at baby carriers (the safe kind!). Luckily, my husband has accepted the fact that cloth diapers are NEEDS, not WANTS. I’m still working on the baby carrier angle though. 😉

Bacon and eggs, Dota, airsoft, fluffy diapers, books, eating ‘round the clock and my passion for breastfeeding and attachment parenting are just a few of my favorite things trumped only (and always!) by spending time with my little family. And, of course, the occasional gyera for hard to find and/or highly sought diapers made with love by local WAHMs.

#Shutterbug Yel

Shutterbug Yel

Name: Ivy Muriel Ruiz-Trayvilla

Nickname: Muryel



My friends and those people who know me call me by different names. So it now depends on what you want to call me… Bwahahahaahhahahahaha! 😀 😀 😀 Ooooops! Did I mention that I laugh, a lot and loudly? Consider yourself warned! I have eyes in the back of my head and very strong peripheral vision, which means that even while I’m at my computer or my cellphone, I can still see you. Hahaha!

I love to cook and eat (what I cooked, hahaha!) I am in love with Pasta dishes. Urgh! I love thrift store finds but when I am with the husband I tend to be picky about brands. LOL. You can always see me checking on my phone and FB account. Weeeeeeeeeeee! So when you need someone to talk to, you know, I am just a text or PM away.  As much as possible, I want everything to be organized. In fact, I believe in making checklists to ensure I don’t forget anything. Sometimes I get laughed at by friends and family for using too many checklists. Hahaha! I just so hate messes. Grrr!

I am afraid of rats, snakes, lizards, water and heights (but I am in the process of overcoming the last two). Crazy sense of humor. Good listener, feeling photographer, frustrated singer, adores the sunset and the sand on my feet and the list goes on….

#Penny Pincher Chum

Penny pincher chum

Name: Jonah Calingacion-Ragay

Nickname: Chummy


I would say that I am jolly with a not-so-great sense of humor. I enjoy sharing things and talking to people about a variety of things. I love to laugh about everything under the sun. I can be quiet at first, but once to get to know me, I don’t shut up.

I am fun loving, but serious when necessary. I am extremely compassionate and kind, and will do everything and anything for my family and friends. I eat a lot and I am a rice person, but I don’t eat SIOPAO! NEVER!! I would say that I am thrifty but not to the extent of starving myself. I just prioritize my savings before I spend (it’s like spending whatever is left after savng) I would also say that I am a learner and always wasn’t to be improving or learning more about things. I am Jonah version X44!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

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